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Leistungen von Phil.UK


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  1. I found this website selling so called "backup DVDs" for SaT NAv's / see below / . I contacted the site owner and after having confirmed to him the part number of the old Dvd, he offered me the 2011 update for £39.99 / cost at MB £229 I made a bank transfer payment and the dvd arrived the next day. The dvd itself appears to be a copy of some sort but it works perfectly and considering the costs / cheap as chips :)) http://www.satnav-maps.com/?gclid=CMnL14zVzqoCFYUJtAodfSU4zw Maybe this is of any help to someone PS / prices refer to SLk350 Comand SATNAV regards Phil
  2. @ TERMITE Terminator :) Ricing is a cooking term meaning to pass food through a food mill or "ricer", which comes in several forms. Sure you meant rising.. Now for something completely different !! Folks, I have sold our Honda, the car has been great but after having driven it for 3,5 years I got slightly bored with it. I will be continuing to look now and then into the forum and will be at your beck and call should one of you need parts from the UK. Wishing everyone safe and happy motoring for many years to come Phil
  3. my pleasure and something completely new, I found this website selling so called "backup DVDs" for SaT NAv's / see below / . I contacted the site owner and after having confirmed to him the part number of the old Dvd, he offered me the 2011 update for £39.99 / cost at MB £229. I made a bank transfer payment and the dvd arrived the next day. The dvd itself appears to be a copy of some sort but it works perfectly. Maybe this is of any help to someone regards Phil
  4. Mint as in mint condition or colour? , you should have bought the motor for Track days . e.g Brand hatch or something similar, maybe Nornburg ring :) it then doesn't matter which side the steering wheel is on.. P/s I like driving " on the wrong side of the road when being in Germany ,, hehe Phil
  5. VAT is 20% but only applicable when buying a new car , once VAT has been paid within the european zone you don't have to pay it again Phil
  6. should someone play with the idea of buying a cl9 / UK model 10/03. . my car is for sale , !! NOT CUSTOMIZED !! and full Honda service history/ pm for more Phil
  7. Meine Hinterrad brems discs sehen zimlich schlimm aus . man kann sehr deutsclich eine menge von rillen erfuellen. die sind jetzt drei jahre alt, bin auch bei der jaehrlichen mot darauf hingewiesen worden mit dem notiz das ich die bald ersetzten muss deshalb meine frage, lohnt es sich teurere discss einzubauen wie diese USR ultimate von EBS ?
  8. USR1399 - EBC Ultimax Brake Disc schon eine erfahrung mir diese bremse scheibe gemacht ? could this solve the problem of corrosions quote from manufacturer New Ultimax Black Anodised rotors (2 pcs) “British made” premium quality Slotted sport brake disc The new ultimax series offer much quieter braking and feature a new special paint process to prevent corrosion.
  9. hm, werde mal danach denken. dachte aber auch dabei an ein upgrade fuer ein firm ride :D, but its perhaps an option Phil
  10. Bilstein oder KONI ? that's the question ich bin mir nicht sicher welche shocks soll ich haben? , wen man bedenkt das strassen vile POtholes ( locher ) haben und motorway is auch net toll. Ich will nicht das comfort veroloren geht were schoen wenn man mir ratschlag gibt. auch eine part number waere hilfreich, cheers Phil p.s is wohl fuer cl9 build 03 nochwas ich mag da nicht, das mit dem eintellbarkeit , muss das so sein und wenn muss ich da immer dran rum drehen um comfort and more firm ( not sure how to say that in German ) fahrt zu haben? FOOTBALL ! Well done boys, we have played utterly rubbish, well deserved germany .. they can go all the way. keep my fingers crossed for Germany , not that I want to but I will be in the dog house, if my Girlfriend doesn't get the support... :repekt:
  11. Nee, alles ist like standard. rims 16". DVLA ist I denke ist zulassungs buero, MOT ist TUV, muss man den sagen das Suspenion gewechslet wurde? Danke vorab schon mal Phil
  12. Hi folks, Eine frage hattte ich, nach 97.000 miles happy driving bekomme ich especially in hohen geschwindikeiten ein so ein schwamm gefuehl, nun dacht ich das suspension ( shock absorber ) maybe nicht mehr gut sind, kann man testen ob das noch gut sind, und sollte sich ein repartaur herausstellen kann ich dann sport suspension einbauen und welche , muss man shock absorber and den feder tauschen? #any ideas ? price , top notch brand , muss das die DVLA mitgeteilt bekommen Wollte des auto noch 1,5 year fahren , ist so sport suspension ein upgrade das der price fuer ds auto steight? Phil Thanks for your patience
  13. they have an adverse effect on oncoming traffic. They can "dazzle" other drivers, impairing their vision and often causing collisions that would have otherwise been avoided, quote BBC/ boy aged 18 sentenced to four years in prison for dangerous driving Besides: I don't see the purpose of the aftermarket HID kits when you can get perfectly good normal bulbs with higher light output Phil
  14. Hi Rinesh, First up let me tell you that I don't have the slightest clue. I had a look at the unit you are about to buy and I think your mate is right, you won't be able to fit this without compromising the wiring or without ripping out the entire installation and start from scratch, you could also try to get a harness made specially for your model. though mind you I don't even know whether this exists. Anyway good luck with it.
  15. any time :) also das abe versteh ich net so , wenn ich grooved discs fahre , die mir in the UK fur mein motor erlaubts sein und ich in deutschland bin, was ich auch so mache . sollte ich ein traffic accident haben, habe ich dann trouble mit der policei? is Quality System & ISO 9001:2008 Accreditation and ABE das saelbe? thanks ;) I know my german is rubbish Phil
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