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Alle Inhalte von barrabas

  1. hi, sorry for the question , but i dont understand german, does anyone with a accord cg tryed this vtec light? or is the same work for all vtec engines? i read in another place that the wire of the light can be connected closer to the ecu inside the car,is it true? where is the ecu in the cg8? :roll: thanks best regards
  2. this morning the motor shut down while i was moving, lots of cars behind my , and my car won t start, i couldn t let go the key, otherwise the motor shut down, i only get on moving by making pressure forward in the key . is it the switch the real problem'? i have to know before ordering to you. thank you very much for helping me best regards Filipe
  3. Hi what is the price? do you have a shop ?
  4. hi i´m going to try that, if so , is the switch too expensive? thanks
  5. hi , i´ve tried the other keys , it always do the same thing :grummel:, thanks
  6. hello! i have a problem with my cg8 , when i turn the key on , the lights of the dashboard doesn´t stay on, its like there´s no key in the ignition:wall:, but if i turn the key off and on several times , the dashboard lights come on, and i can put the engine working, also when i´m driving, the car shut´s down by it self , all the dashboard lights go off. i know it´s something in the ignition , but someone have already a similar problem ? thanks
  7. barrabas

    Lach Mal Wieder

    ahahahahahhaha cool
  8. http://www.audiworld.com/tech/ext43.shtml very good do it yourself :D
  9. ok, thanks Suti, when the spoiler arrives to Portugal , i will notice if it fits right. danka schon:wink:
  10. anyone could help me? sorry for the language.
  11. hi people,i just order today my lip spoiler to fit on the cg8 accord, the shop is in germany ( car tuning parts) from ebay,it says: M3 STYLE TRUNK LIP SPOILER fits on BMW E46 saloon (4 doors) 1999 - 2006 i hope it fits good can anyone tell me if this spoiler is the right one for my accord cg8 ? lip spoiler.bmp lip spoiler 2.bmp
  12. ok, thanks SUTI, if is the same that m3´s got is much easy for me. danka schon :))
  13. sorry , but i don t understand german. i hope you understand :))
  14. hello, i need help to buy a trunk lip spoiler , the same that you have in your car. i live in portugal, can you tell me a good shop to order the lip spoiler from germany, and this is the same spoiler that fits in bmw m3? thanks
  15. my accord:cool: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfbSz3WpzUE
  16. i know a few sites of HONDAS, but the products are only to civics, not the accords, ex: if a ask by phone a product to one of those sites for my accord , they tell me that they have to import, and the price UP UP UP UP, i would like to help you but in portugal you won´t find much to accords
  17. no , there are not. only HONDA foruns, but not accord foruns, or tuning sites 8)
  18. i have a accord cg8, and this forum is awesome. congratulations
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