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w00dman Acura/Honda TSX/Accord


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Hi, i'm from Portugal and I have a ... :roll: Acura/Honda TSX/Accord.

I'm gessing what car do I have because:


1- Interior trim Honda Accord USDM

2- Exterior trim Acura TSX

3- Engine Honda Euro version


Does anyone know where can I Buy/Download service manual for this car misture?


What do you can tell me about this situation?

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Take a look here:




should help you alot!!!


If you want a hard copy.. i bought my manual in ebay.gb its on a disc, but only runs with win.xp


the link i wrote in the forum works, and it works on all O.S. (Operating systems... 2000, xp. vista) as long as you have a pdf reader..


tell us more about your car, or post pictures.. would make it easier for us to help you with your questions.. but i am thinking you have a euro model, perhaps the previous owner did a little bit of changes on the car to make it "look" like a tsx..?? (as far as i know, the tsx parts fit on our euro accords, but the usdm accord is alot different than ours...???)



Bearbeitet von Mounty
spaetere einfall....

The best engine in the world is the Vagina;

It can be started with one finger. It's self lubricating.

It takes any size piston, and changes it's own oil every 4 weeks.

It is only a pity that the management system is so f....g temperamental.


Nix ungetestet lassen: Man stirbt schliesslich nur ein mal...:angel:

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Yes, I have a Euro version..

The interior isn't the same as TSX. The Euro interior is look like USDM Accord and Euro exterior is from TSX. Capiche? ;)


I have the TSX service manual. Now I need the Accord USDM service manual.


My Euro Accord: (click to enlarge)


http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo143/w00dman_bucket/Accord%20Build%20Up/th_DSC03844.jpg http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo143/w00dman_bucket/Accord%20Build%20Up/th_DSC03843.jpg http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo143/w00dman_bucket/Accord%20Build%20Up/th_DSC03836.jpg http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo143/w00dman_bucket/Accord%20Build%20Up/th_DSC03831.jpg


TSX interior VS Accord USDM:






Accord USDM





Exterior TSX vs Accord USDM







Accord USDM



Bearbeitet von w00dman
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still non comprehende, amigo... all i can see is that you have a different instrument cluster (cockpit).. what would you like to know?? Bearbeitet von Mounty

The best engine in the world is the Vagina;

It can be started with one finger. It's self lubricating.

It takes any size piston, and changes it's own oil every 4 weeks.

It is only a pity that the management system is so f....g temperamental.


Nix ungetestet lassen: Man stirbt schliesslich nur ein mal...:angel:

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I just want to know where I can find the Service manual for Accord USDM, because the cockpit is different. That's the biggest diference.


I'd like to start the audio change but I dont know how to remove the radio. I have the audio installation in the rear doors but if I plug the speaker it dont work. The harness must be unplugged anywhere.


In the TSX manual there's a audio amplifier below the radio but I think this is only in CL9 (Acura TSX) because it came with Audio premium system...

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On this site, you will have to register yourself, then you can download all the manuals you could ever need.. haven't tried it out (yet) so be carefull..


Honda / Acura Manuals - Hondahookup.com



The best engine in the world is the Vagina;

It can be started with one finger. It's self lubricating.

It takes any size piston, and changes it's own oil every 4 weeks.

It is only a pity that the management system is so f....g temperamental.


Nix ungetestet lassen: Man stirbt schliesslich nur ein mal...:angel:

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