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Moving to Germany


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Werbung - Warum schalten wir Werbung?
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Hello, yes I thinks so. A CD with the european street datas had to solve the problem.

But in your position I would spend a visit to my HONDA/ACURA dealer. They can tell you if there is any posibilety to switch it to europe and how you can do that.


I wish you very much fun here in germany, and enjoy our highways without Speedlimit ;)

Bearbeitet von CG8Accord





Accord TYPE-R

Project Tourenwagen






Ein Auto ist erst dann schnell genug, wenn man morgends davor steht und angst hat es aufzuschließen - Walter Röhrl

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I also think so. If you go to your dealer, he can ensure it and also can tell you the price for that Europe DVD. I think you've to buy a CD/DVD in US, so it fits in your Acura System.


I wish also a lot of fun in Germany, Dude.


Take care


Regs from Trinidad (no ... not holliday ... hell of a work :cry:)

Bearbeitet von Schmudi
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Hi there, welcome to the club!!! where abouts are you from and where will you be moving to?? there are alot of cool things done here with the forum... they meet at the nurburgring in spring for a fun drive around the "green hell" and there are weekend meets, if you are into that sort of thing... if you are interested in buying stuff for your car, it would be (is) cheaper, and more choices getting things stateside, just a heads up...

catch you on the flip side


The best engine in the world is the Vagina;

It can be started with one finger. It's self lubricating.

It takes any size piston, and changes it's own oil every 4 weeks.

It is only a pity that the management system is so f....g temperamental.


Nix ungetestet lassen: Man stirbt schliesslich nur ein mal...:angel:

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Hey, how cool is that?? i was hatched and raised in Midland, ON. Been living here since 1988. Maybe we can hook up when you arrive, depending on work schedules and what not.. see you around!!

mounty aka markus

The best engine in the world is the Vagina;

It can be started with one finger. It's self lubricating.

It takes any size piston, and changes it's own oil every 4 weeks.

It is only a pity that the management system is so f....g temperamental.


Nix ungetestet lassen: Man stirbt schliesslich nur ein mal...:angel:

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Yeah I'll definately give a shout out when I arrive.


I have some more questions to ask you guys pertaining to cars. I've been thinking of selling my TSX and buying an Accord Type S in Germany with the 6 speed manual. Is it hard to find one used in Germany? Also I'm interested in S2000's, how rare are these in Germany?

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Hey, why ure not looking for a nice Accord Type R? 212hp and it will be unique in the states ;)





Accord TYPE-R

Project Tourenwagen






Ein Auto ist erst dann schnell genug, wenn man morgends davor steht und angst hat es aufzuschließen - Walter Röhrl

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  • 1 Monat später...

I know the MX-5 is a lot different to the Accord but I'm looking at both cars since I like both. The S2000 isn't too different from the MX-5 they're both convertible rear drive roadsters with 4 cylinder engines. I like the S2000 a lot more because it has more power and a 6 speed getriebe.


The thing is that there's a lot more MX-5's in Deutschland I saw 4 today in my town and I've never seen an S2000.

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  • 1 Monat später...


I bought my CL7 2 months ago. I´d been looking for a CL9 TypeS also, and there´d been lots for +-15000Euro. But I was blended from this premiumwhite CL7 and bought it.

I´m sure you´ll find a TypeS.

S2000´s are rare.

A friend (girl) of mine is driving a 2001 MX5. It might be comfortable and it´s much cheaper than a S2000, I like driving it.

But it´s too common on German Streets.

And of course, a S2000 is more fun to drive. Even a Toyota Mr2 is nice (if it has to be a convertible), but it has also a weak (but MR) engine with it´s 140hp


I think you´ll find something nice soon

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Don't forget to do a "test-seating". The MX is a little, how should I say, a little like a coke tin/can ;) If you are a tall man/woman you cannot sit inside with closed roof (my experience). Unfortunately I have never seated in a S2000, but it looks much more comfortable and, as you say, much more fun --> more power = more fun. Anyway you're right, that you cannot find a lot S2000 for sale. The original sales was not soooo much and who would sale a car like the S2000? If a car is realy good ... I don't sale it, I drive it :))
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