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Frontlampe mit beschlag

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HI ,

Ich fahre mein accord 2.4 ex r 03 . schon lange und aufeinmal habe ich ein sort of beschlag an der scheibe des frontlampen , wie an einer brille, nur unten in der linken ecke on beide lampen nahe der frontgrill.




hehe ,


hope someone will understand :)




many thanks in advance for your answers:D

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Werbung - Warum schalten wir Werbung?
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honda has extendet the warranty from 3 to 6years for head lights.

your problem is a characteristical pre-facelift problem. your dealer must change your headlights for free.

where you come from? uk i know. but which region?

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I'm from cheltenham but live in London since a couple of years ...


cheers mate for helping ,,,


you reckon the extended warranty will apply for the Uk as well?


one more question


I don't get it. what does cm & cn stand for? what model have I got


Accord 2.4 ex




any Idea?

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It's the fourth and fifth digit and that means the type of your car. Therefor you have to check your VIN ;)





4th Thru



8th POSITION GRADE, 1994-1998






Check your VIN: http://www.autobaza.pl/ab/en/web/productaa0100

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:Dyou guys are fantastic :D, so much better than the other rubbish boards in the Uk /USA.

They anyway drive old rusty buckets and discuss Neon lights underneath their cars and never reply unless you talk about fat tyres and customizing beyond recognition.



so according to what you've said It's a cl9 ,, is that a good thing ?


regards from London


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Nice comment about the important thing to do on (rusty) cars ;) ;)


If I take a look into the database, you are right with the CL9 (190 HP) and you are definitaly right in this forum.


Thank you for your compliment !

That's always liked to be heard because it compansates the troubles and efforts to run such a forum, for that, you'll get a http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:lPR7U-Z82YTRXM:http://www.holzhau.de/gif/stern.gif from me :)

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am serious .

I only wish my German was better , been there when I was a child as my dad was serving the Army in Paderborn...The point with our ( UK) Honda forum is you see . too many people with little knowledge trying to impress and way too many cowboys.:rolleyes:



Now knowing I got a cl9 means what to me. I'm even not so sure whether this is commonly known in the Uk.( No other forum I visted had it mentioned).


Lrs -san posted something about an extended warranty on the Headlights and I reckon by his comment I'm in for a change on my car's headlights. It's due for service in err. 10.000 miles. Would you say I can wait untill then or should I aim for changing them sooner. Could there be any damage to the electric while using the llights (low beam/ hig beam ) having moisture inside the light? or where does the fog come from if not caused my moisture..


also could anyone of you elaborate on the warranty and experiences made with your Dealers in such cases ... you know Brits can be quite stubborn :grummel:



is it okay to post in English ? , you guys don't mind?

Bearbeitet von Phil.UK
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I think it's alright, that you write in English. A lot of us could understand it. Maybe my English isn't that good but hopefully you understand, what I mean.


To the 'thing' with your headlights: I can't give any statement or write down my knowledge about it, because I'm more familiar with my cars (older than 1996) and things which deals with law or department of transportation stuff ;)

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again thanks a lot.:)


I will keep you guys posted whether or not Honda offers the same warranty . I shall be going to my dealer soon..


a remark

it's fantastic, you communicate in English and believe you me your English is far better than my German is. I love your country ( mostly the Autoban :D ) but since I got back to England 1974 I had little practice in German.


So thanks again for your kind replies and keep up the good work



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by the way. your home town is "LONODN":auslachen:

i have buy my car in london-swindon:D

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i love japan. after my last holiday in japan i must have a right sterring honda like in japan or nothing:D. its much easier to buy a car in uk then in japan. the first week in germany was like the driver school but now its no problem. the change from rhd to lhd also too.

and its very funny on mcdonalds or police controls:auslachen:


oh i mean london-s...what ever.

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hehe, I can imagine :D

seeing a German Car in our traffic always appears like it's being driven by the passenger with the drivers seat empty, Hilarious this is :D


Did you change the headlights to German Standards and how difficult did you find registering your Motor?.I once thought of buying a Beamer ( Bmw's are ridiculous expensive in the UK) in Germany and export it to the Uk but I was put off by the administration..




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its very easy.

i have bought from my honda dealer 2 broken head lights. there was only 1piece that i have need. this piece is been placed behind the lens and effectuate the illumination from left to right. i only haved change it against the original. thats it.


the car registration was no problem. the car was constructed according to EU directives.

also only i must changes the head lights. theni haved apply for car documents.


i think for you its the same easy thing like me.



i hope you understand. i know my english is only good for basic school:weissnich:

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Besuch mich auch auf Facebook unter Soichiros.Parts . :wink:

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