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Hello from Scotland, UK!!!


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Hi, I'm Oz and im from Scotland. I recently bought a 1994 CC7 Accord LS 4 Door and i've been looking for more information about them. I stumbled across this forum from a search i did with google.


I got the car very cheap as it needs some work, mainly new dampers and an exhaust, along with some rust removal. The lip kit on it is a fibreglass replica, not the oem honda kit :(


Here are some pics












This is my other car that im storing away for a year or two. It's a Granada Black 1995 EG6 Civic VTi, the Captiva Blue EG3 Marlin was sold a long time ago.






Just saying hello, i need to brush up on my german, ive not spoken it since high school, over 6 years ago.

UKDM 1994 CC7 Accord LS - NH-567M


I'm the scottish guy :)

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Werbung - Warum schalten wir Werbung?
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Original von UKDM Oz


Just saying hello, i need to brush up on my german, ive not spoken it since high school, over 6 years ago.

:wink: Hello...welcome to the Accordforum...


I think while reading and talking with us you will make better your german...and I hope while talking with you I can make better my english^^

So...it's a good deal for both sides :D


And I think you will get help for your problems with your exhaust and the other things.


Have fun here 8)

...und für alle Star Trek Fans:


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Original von McKinley

Original von UKDM Oz


Just saying hello, i need to brush up on my german, ive not spoken it since high school, over 6 years ago.

:wink: Hello...welcome to the Accordforum...


I think while reading and talking with us you will make better your german...and I hope while talking with you I can make better my english^^

So...it's a good deal for both sides :D


And I think you will get help for your problems with your exhaust and the other things.


Have fun here 8)


word !! :D


welcome from denmark

n1 car hope we can help you a little bit :D




chuck norris hat windows xp.....bei ihm funktionierts

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