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5th Gen Accord CALI Style


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Werbung - Warum schalten wir Werbung?
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They don't fit to the Europeans as far as I know.


Jerry, you know I own such a wish list for my Wagon and this lip is now on it. It looks so great and is not that present as other shit. It's the same like they drove at the JTCC

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Those look insane!

Ya got any accord club in there? Or are they just friends of ya?


i'm on two stateside accord clubs and most of them are my friends, really good ppl.


So, as I have noticed that this lip fits not intended to the European model, right?:(


I hope you know what i mean ;)


all 5th generation Accord's CE1, CE2 & CF2 SiR Wagons, CD5 & CD6 Sedan, and CD7 Coupe made during 94-95 / 96-97 in the USA are the same here, we just don't have the Sedan's, but the CE1, CE2 & CD7 are exactly the same in body design, just differ on the engine and some stuff like headlights.


They don't fit to the Europeans as far as I know.


Jerry, you know I own such a wish list for my Wagon and this lip is now on it. It looks so great and is not that present as other shit. It's the same like they drove at the JTCC


i still got my JDM Bomex lip, but got no time to fixed it but i'm on a hunt for the OEM SiR lip w/c has the Honda stamp SV5 something, but i need to upgrade my front bumper to 96-97 one.


lmk if you're ready to get those lips, i might have some way to source it out.

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Z-Nasty CD7




another one from North Cali




some more white CD7 with my fav 94-95 bumper lip from Greddy




mo whitey's



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now MO picz of Z-Nasty's girl on top of other 5G Accord:p



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one of my all time favorite:party2:







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