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Ignition Problem

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i have a problem with my cg8 , when i turn the key on , the lights of the dashboard doesn´t stay on, its like there´s no key in the ignition:wall:, but if i turn the key off and on several times , the dashboard lights come on, and i can put the engine working, also when i´m driving, the car shut´s down by it self , all the dashboard lights go off. i know it´s something in the ignition , but someone have already a similar problem ?



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is it the original Key(one of the First 3 Keys)?


I got 3 Keys for my CG8 and I think you too. Try to use one of the other Keys.


Greets CG8Accord





Accord TYPE-R

Project Tourenwagen






Ein Auto ist erst dann schnell genug, wenn man morgends davor steht und angst hat es aufzuschließen - Walter Röhrl

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I believe the switch of the Ignition Lock is faulty. When your´e well in electronics and own a Voltmeter you can proof it.


Build of the Covers, on the left side is the switch. The White Cable must have alltime +12V. On Position II (On) must have the Wht/Blk, Blk/Yel and the Yellow Cable +12V.


If this is not, you will need a new Switch.


Good Luck






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this morning the motor shut down while i was moving, lots of cars behind my , and my car won t start, i couldn t let go the key, otherwise the motor shut down, i only get on moving by making pressure forward in the key . is it the switch the real problem'? i have to know before ordering to you.

thank you very much for helping me

best regards


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