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K20A6 prob


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ey Kerle habe ich ein Problem mit meiner Maschine cl7, manchmal, das sie Schlechtes nach einigen attemps beginnt. und nach einigen Minute, wenn ich sie statonaire in Leerlaufstellung bleiben lasse, können die Maschinenställe wie das Drehen der Schlüssel aber seines wirklich sonderbaren… jedes mir heraus helfen traurig, wenn mein Deutsch ein wenig schlechtes ist


I auch versuchend, eine Art r-Kopf zu passen auf meinem k20a6 aber hat jedermann erhaltene Erfahrung mit diesem Umb.

Bearbeitet von falken
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ich verstehe kein wort,nicht mal ansatzweise,helfe ja gern und habe auch kein problem wenn einer kein gutes deutsch kann und versuche auch gern zwischen denn zeilen zu lesen,aber das ist echt der hammer



Tipp: http://www.duden.de/

Bearbeitet von Japandriver
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i have posted in the english section sorry for the bad german:(


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i have a tuned k20a6 but somehtimes its start bad and if you leave it running at iddle is somethimes go's out like you just have turn off the keys ? anyone got an idee?


i'm also planning to fit a type r head on my k20a6 has anybody done this mod yet? or knows somebody ? with experience with a k20a6








I contracted your two topics to one "prob"...good luck...

Bearbeitet von NightEyes
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what do you mean with a tuned K20A6?

Which Accord or Honda you got?

Is your engine light on?


The Civic Type-R EP3 head will fit, but there is no way tune the car at the moment. Electronic in the Accord is the problem, drive by wire throttle body, the comfort system and VSA is all controlled by the ECU even the speedometer.

Projektauflösung: Civic EJ9, EK4, EK9, K20A, K-Swap Teile



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i drive with a piggyback at the moment ;) and it seems to work i got a cl7 with a k20a6 engine

nope engine light is off but something it starts bad ... and if i leave it spinning in neutral it somethims go's off ... suddenly like you just have turned of you're keys :(

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Q+??? I never heard of it...


Hondata K-Pro... it will only work as a dual systems, stock ECU will retain for all the comfort systemy, VSA, speedometer and the K-Pro controll the engine. But you need a complete extra ECU which is compatible with the k-Pro chip. You also need a Hondata reflash of the stock ECU to work with the K-Pro, that´s the problem the ECU from european Accord is not refreshable!!!


You can use the the Greddy E-Manage Ultimate it´s the best piggybank that you can buy right and it will work with the EU Accord, but you need an extra piggybank the Greddy V-Manage to controll and tune the i-vtec a 100%. You can´t raise the rev limit, and that´s not so good because you lose a lot of rpms, especially with the CTR head, Accord 7200 rpm and CTR 8050rpm rev limit.


By the way where are you from?

Projektauflösung: Civic EJ9, EK4, EK9, K20A, K-Swap Teile



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unichip Q+ i find better than the e manage (e manage has tried a mate and run into a bummer with faults it gave ...)

i know the working order of hondata to work but the rba ecu learns of his own and that's a pitty

i can run nos turbo or compressor but i know the head of mine std k20a6 its not so good flowing it narrow'er than a type r head thats why ,and a full vtec is better for the power :cool:

i'm from belgium btw ;)




@ falken:

Please answer by using the reply.gif-Button...not the quote.gif-Button...THANKS !!!

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Is it still possible to run without the Unichip Q+?


If yes, disconnet the Q+ and let the car run only with the stock ecu, if you still got same problem, than you got a problem with the engine, some leaks in hoses, sparks ... if the car runs normal, the Q+ is the problem.

Projektauflösung: Civic EJ9, EK4, EK9, K20A, K-Swap Teile



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The K20A3 is found in the US Civic Si and Acura RSX Base both with 160PS, the K20A6 is nearly the same enigne only the bolt on`s are different.


You can run every K20/K24 camshaft with the required valvetrain, Skunk2, Crower, Toda... that´s not the problem, the problem is still the electronic you can not tune this kind of high lift cams!!

Projektauflösung: Civic EJ9, EK4, EK9, K20A, K-Swap Teile



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