was ich vergessen hatte die tage zu posten:
"Shipping is based on 2 things. Size, and weight. If you have one large item and a lot of smaller items that are low weight to put in the box, then the deal is good for all the items because the shipping cost can divide amongst all the items.
However if the items inside the larger box are heavy, then the weight of the total package is high and the cost savings is less.
You are looking to get lots of headers that will not conveniently pack into one box at a low weight. We can package them all together and possibly ship 6-7 headers for maybe $400, but I cannot say anything for sure until we get them here and attempt packaging.
Really, this item is not very conducive to getting low shipping cost for bulk unless you want to buy a pallet of 20+"
also nicht viel billiger das ganze :(
bleibt noch die antwort von dem anderen typen abzuwarten oder wir bestellen 20+ krümmer :D:D:D